Yes, making soap flower was a difficult task as it took lot of time to make and real lot of hard work. Its not that easy to make, so today I'll share with you the making of soap flower.
1. Bath Soap (Any colour soft soap and green colour soap)
2. Fevicol
3. Green tape
4. Aluminium wire
How to make it:
1. Grate the bath soap finely, just the way you grate a coconut. The pieces should be very fine, it wont be when you grate try making it more fine with hand and make fine pieces.
2. Now mix the soap pieces with fevicol. Make sure the proportion of the grated soap and fevicol is proper or even u can add a bit more of fevicol.
3. Mix the contents properly and very finely so that the pieces wont be seen and make a soft dough out of it.
*Note:- Fan should be kept off while preparing the dough, or there are chances the mixture may get hard and it will be difficult to make flowers.*
4. Now take small pieces of dough make a petals by flattening each piece.
5. Arrange each petal on the aluminium wire one by one.
6. After you fix each petal cover the remaining aluminium wire using green tape.
In this way you can make different shapes and different varieties of flowers using your own imagination.
This is how a soap flowers are made.
Here is one for you.
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