I am on my way to some awesome quilling projects, i hope i get enough time to complete and upload it soon.
Anyways, let us keep the quilling aside and see something new, not very new to who already know about it, but its new for me as i'm doing it for the first time.
Materials you need:
1) Shells (Any of your choice)
2) Silicone sealant / Fevicol
3) Fabric colours
How to make it:
There is not much to explain how to make these beautiful figures, you just need is to decide what you want to make and then get some shells of the desired shapes and sizes.
Use silicone sealant and start sticking shells as per your figure or anything that you wish to make.
Use fabric colurs to give glow to your shell figures. Use the colurs to make it more lively.
So enjoy making this simple shell figures. I hope evryone will try this our for sure :)
Now what i need is your valuable comments, so comments please :)
Here is my work.
Related Posts - Shell work on photo frame
Shell work on photo frame